a very Etsy wedding….

…it’s the final countdoooownnn…..

This was the lyric ringing through my head today as I worked. It was a tease to have off Thursday, just to go back in and work Friday. I enjoy Fridays, everyone is in a good mood and it turns into more of an 8 hour social gathering than a real work day. God knows I don’t need help with my social skills, my productivity however is slightly less stunning.

After rushing to get home and relax, I was pleasantly surprised when I realized my little sister had sent me 11 messages on my iPad purely consisting of extravagent wedding invitations she had found on Etsy. I could name a million reasons why I love her, however our shared obsession over weddings and Etsy are particularly two of my favorite. My darling little Sister, Brittany, isn’t so little! She is a student at PITT (Pittsburgh University) and going into her senior year as an Economics major. Goodness she is a brave soul, I took economics once….for about two weeks….then I dropped it. In retrospect, my life would have been a lot easier had I gone the business route rather than liberal arts. Oh well…hakuna matata…

anywho… Brittany is my lovely Maid of Honor! I can’t get a hold on what I want exactly at this point, but she sent the most gorgeous invitations….here are my favorite that she and I have found so far:







I am sure this goes without saying, but these do not belong to me, however I did find them on Etsy and left the name of the shop and item title so you can find them easily for your own personal use~

I will be spending the rest of my evening relaxing(I am spoiled this week!) then up early tomorrow with a busy weekend of cleaning and getting ready for our Engagement Party!!

XOXO – Heather Julia

America the beautiful….

Happy Birthday ‘Merica!!

I love the 4th of July….a day filled with BBQs, family, friends, sunglasses, watermelon….and we can’t forget….fireworks!!

But you know what I loved most about 4th of July this year? I did absolutely NONE of that. Matthew, my fiancĂ©, and I cracked out some Lean Cuisines, watered the garden, and relaxed on the porch for the rest of the evening. Don’t get me wrong, I would have preferred my dad’s smoked ribs over my questionable frozen dinner, however I enjoyed the peace that came along with just purely relaxing and not worrying about catering for cookouts and being on a schedule on my day off.

Back to work tomorrow, but no complaints here considering only 8 hours of work stand between me and my weekend!

Sweet dreams everyone….

XOXO – Heather Julia